Index of names beginning with A

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ABRAM, Elisabeth( °before 1626 - †before 27 November 1667 )
× 1639 LAVOTTE, Jean
ABRAM, Jean( °before 1612 - )
× 1628 LECONTE, Anne
ABRAM, Jean( °before 1596 - †before 05 march 1628 )
× 1612 LEGOUIS, Marie
ABRAM, Jérémie( °after 1628 - )

ACHER, Marie( °before 1597 - )
× 1610 CARPENTIER, Jean

ALEXANDRE, Jean( °before 1610 - )
ALEXANDRE, Marie( °April 1671 St Nicolas de la Taille, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ALEXANDRE, Nicolas( °December 1667 St Nicolas de la Taille, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ALEXANDRE, Nicolas( ° 1626 - †21 May 1671 St Nicolas de la Taille, SEINE-MARITIME )
× 1666 GUEROULT, Judith

ALLEAUME, Charles( °before 1592 - )
× 1608 BERTIN, Anne
ALLEAUME, Charles( °before 1599 - †before January 1629 )
ALLEAUME, Charles( °before 1615 - †before 11 September 1644 )
ALLEAUME, Judith( °before 1633 - )
× 1646 ELYE, Nicolas
ALLEAUME, Madeleine( ° 1624 - )
× 1651 GAILLARD, Isaac
ALLEAUME, Marie( °before 1622 - )
× 1635 HELLOT, Abraham
ALLEAUME, Marie( ° 1608 Bréauté, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ALLEAUME, Marthe( °before 1615 - †before 1671 )
× 1629 MARTEL, Josias
ALLEAUME, Rachel( °before 1623 - )
× 1636 MAROUARD, Pierre
× 1636 FREMONT, Elie
ALLEAUME, Suzanne( ° 1611 Goderville, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ALLEAUME, Suzanne( °before 1631 - )
× 1644 MONTIER, Jean

ANDRIEU, Esther( °before 1652 - †before 29 October 1679 )
× 1665 GOUBERT, Jean
ANDRIEU, Guillaume( °before 1620 - †before 23 May 1649 )
ANDRIEU, Jeanne( °before 1636 - )
× 1649 GALOPIN, Jean
ANDRIEU, Rachel( °before 1623 - )
× 1636 BELLET, Jacques

ANFRAY, Suzanne( °before 1629 - )
× 1642 GOSSELIN, Jacques

ANSEL ?, Guillaume( °before 1616 - †before 28 march 1632 )
× 1632 BAUDRY, Catherine

ATTINAS, Abraham( °April 1629 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Anne( ° 1604 - )
× 1623 LEVASSEUR, Pierre
ATTINAS, Elisabeth( °August 1631 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Esther( °November 1617 Lintot ER, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Esther( °march 1659 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Jacques( ° 1585 - †25 August 1632 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME )
× 1610 MONFREULLE, Anne
× 1615 BELLET, Renée
× 1620 LAVOTTE, Marie
ATTINAS, Jacques( °May 1624 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Jacques( °25 September 1665 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Jacques( °April 1626 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Jacques( °May 1627 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Jacques( ° 1613 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Jean( °June 1646 Raffetot, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Jeanne( °January 1620 Lintot ER, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Judith( ° 1610 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Judith( ° 1612 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Judith( °September 1654 Raffetot, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Judith( °February 1622 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Judith( °August 1608 Lintot ER, SEINE-MARITIME - )
× 1628 LEMASCRIER, Louis
ATTINAS, Judith( °April 1628 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Louis( °before 1568 - )
× ?, Judith
ATTINAS, Marie( °October 1630 Raffetot, SEINE-MARITIME - †after August 1660 )
× 1651 BESONGUE, Isaac
ATTINAS, Marie( °19 march 1670 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Marie( °April 1623 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Marie( ° 1621 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Marie( °November 1650 Raffetot, SEINE-MARITIME - )
ATTINAS, Marie( °November 1617 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
× 1635 LAVOTTE, Abraham
ATTINAS, Nicolas( °before 1533 - )
ATTINAS, Noelle( °before 1602 - )
× 1614 POTIER, Jacques
× 1615 SIMENEL, Jacques
ATTINAS, Pierre( °November 1663 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - †24 May 1673 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME )
ATTINAS, Pierre( °November 1652 Raffetot, SEINE-MARITIME - )
× 1681 DEBOOS, Judith
ATTINAS, Pierre( °October 1627 Raffetot, SEINE-MARITIME - †15 December 1680 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME )
× 1649 BENNETOT, Marie
ATTINAS, Pierre( ° 1600 Raffetot, SEINE-MARITIME - )
× 1627 DESHAIS, Anne
ATTINAS, Pierre( °before 1584 - )
× 1600 LEVESQUE, Marguerite
ATTINAS, Raulin( °June 1549 - )
× 1582 TILLART, Madeleine
ATTINAS, Suzanne( °September 1657 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )

AUBER, Abraham( °22 January 1668 St Aubin de Crétot, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Anne( °before 1594 - )
× 1607 HAREL, Abraham
AUBER, Charles( ° 1642 - )
× 1677 GUEROULT, Judith
AUBER, Charles( °13 march 1678 St Nicolas de la Taille, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Elie( ° 1612 Fauville, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Elisabeth( °before 1627 - )
× 1640 MANOURY, Jean
AUBER, Guillaume( °before 1594 - )
× 1610 LAVOTTE, Jeanne
AUBER, Isaac( °before 1612 - )
× 1628 SIEURIN, Judith
AUBER, Jacques( °before 1618 - )
× 1634 MARTIN, Anne
AUBER, Jacques( ° 1647 - †before 08 September 1704 )
× 1672 GUEROULT, Judith
AUBER, Jacques( ° 1680 - †after 08 September 1704 )
AUBER, Jacques( ° 1610 St Antoine la Forêt, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Jacques( °before 1624 - )
× 1640 PANIER, Jeanne
AUBER, Jacques( °January 1679 St Eustache la Forêt, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Jacques( °before 1650 - )
× 1666 TROU, Judith
AUBER, Jean( °before 1647 St Antoine la Forêt, SEINE-MARITIME - )
× 1663 REVILLE, Marie
AUBER, Jean( °before 1634 - )
× 1650 LEGOUIS, Judith
AUBER, Jean( °before 1592 - )
× 1608 SAUTREUIL, Isabeau
AUBER, Jean( ° 1612 Bolbec, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Jean( °February 1677 St Eustache la Forêt, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Jean( °before 1606 - )
× 1622 BOIVIN, Marie
AUBER, Jean( °before 1636 - )
× 1652 SIEURIN, Suzanne
AUBER, Jean( °before 1594 - )
× 1611 YON, Marie
AUBER, Jean( °before 1610 - )
× 1626 LEMOINE, Suzanne
AUBER, Jean( °before 1624 - )
× 1640 DELAMARE, Suzanne
AUBER, Jean( °after 1652 - )
AUBER, Jeanne( °24 April 1673 La Cerlangue, SEINE-MARITIME - )
AUBER, Jeanne( °before 1596 - )
× 1609 LEROUX, Abraham
AUBER, Judith( °before 1615 - )
× 1628 YON, Isaac

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