Index of names beginning with B

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BOTTET, Emile Albert( °26 July 1844 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOTTET, Louis( °before 1814 - †after 18 August 1844 )

BOTTIN, Jacques( °before 1803 - )
× 1819 BIENVENU, Marie
BOTTIN, Jacques Louis( °29 march 1819 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1847 VIVIER, Elisa Mathilde

BOUDIN, Emile Cyprien( °before 1887 - )
× 1903 BAZILE, Maria Ernestine
BOUDIN, Marie "Rose"( °before 1816 - †after 07 February 1836 )
× 1829 MORDANT, Daniel Abraham

BOUDOT, Marie Sophie Floréal( °before 1810 - )
× 1823 LESUEUR, Jean

BOUFFE, Marie ? Jeanne( °09 February 1883 - †27 May 1951 76, Lillebonne, , SEINE MARITIME )
× LANGER, Adolphe Louis Pierre

BOUILLAUD, Eugène Louis( °30 June 1859 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUILLAUD, Henriette Blanche( °10 October 1871 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †02 February 1873 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME )
BOUILLAUD, Léon Frédéric( °11 May 1861 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUILLAUD, Louis Frédéric( °1836 - )
× 1859 GAND, Jenny Elisa
BOUILLAUD, Marie Anna( °04 march 1852 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUILLAUD, Marie Augustine( °09 April 1855 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUILLAUD, Marie Louise( °before April 1855 - †after 10 June 1855 )
BOUILLAUD, Paul Gustave( °19 August 1863 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUILLAUD, Sophie Célina( °28 December 1841 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 11 August 1861 )

BOUILLOT, Charles Henry( °07 August 1844 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUILLOT, Eugène Henry( °09 October 1845 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )

BOUILLOT ; BOUILLAUD, Jean Frédéric( °before 1826 - †after 01 April 1860 )
× 1842 HENRY, Henriette Sophie

BOULAN, Célina Pauline( °29 November 1822 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1846 LECOQ, Paul Emile
BOULAN, Elisabeth( °before 10 May 1812 - †after 10 May 1812 )
BOULAN, Emile Edouard( °17 December 1814 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOULAN, Emilie Zulma( °27 April 1812 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOULAN, Enfant( °December 1808 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOULAN, Eugène( °before 10 April 1843 - †after 04 June 1848 )
BOULAN, "Gustave" Ulysse( °04 January 1821 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1843 RUFIN, Julie Adèle
BOULAN, Jacob( °between 1732 and 1742 76, , , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1802 FAUCON, Elisabeth Suzanne
BOULAN, Jacques( °before 19 April 1812 - †after 19 April 1812 )
BOULAN, Jacques( °before 1775 - )
× 1791 LETILHAIS, Magdeleine
BOULAN, Jacques Philippe( °before 1778 - )
× 1794 THIER, Magdeleine
BOULAN, "Jacques" Romain( °before 1791 - †before 10 April 1843 )
× 1807 AUBERT, Françoise "Elisabeth"
BOULAN, Lucile "Eugénie"( °06 February 1810 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1839 ZAHN, Augustin Antoine
BOULAN, "Marie" Magdeleine Thérèse( °before 1794 - )
× 1807 FERARD, Guillaume "David"

BOULEN, Adèle Scholastique( °February 1816 76, Autretot, , SEINE MARITIME - †23 April 1889 76, Autretot, , SEINE MARITIME )
BOULEN, Adolphe Onésyme( °28 June 1851 76, Autretot, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOULEN, Anne( °31 August 1814 76, Luneray, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOULEN, Auguste Onésyme( °27 April 1843 76, Autretot, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOULEN, Catherine( °before 1833 - †before 13 January 1846 )
× 1846 LHEUREUX, Pierre
BOULEN, "Eugénie" Albertine( °30 June 1845 76, Autretot, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1874 LAMI ; LAMY, Daniel "Auguste"
BOULEN, Florentine Adeline( °14 November 1853 76, Autretot, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOULEN, Frédéric( °before 1827 - )
× 1843 LEBRUMENT, "Lucie" Adèle
BOULEN, Isaac( °before 1795 - )
× 1811 LARDANT, Suzanne
BOULEN, Jacob( °before 1787 - †after 04 march 1816 )
BOULEN, Jean Pierre( °before 1798 - )
× 1814 LARDANS, Anne
BOULEN, Judith( °before 1811 - †after 1831 )
× 1824 PELIER, Louis
BOULEN, Léon "Adolphe"( °30 December 1812 76, Autretot, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1850 BENARD, Marie "Eugénie"
BOULEN, Marthe( °before 1803 - )
BOULEN, Pierre( °before 1811 - †after 1843 )
BOULEN, Pierre( °before 1782 - )
× 1798 PAUMIER, Marie Rose Félicité

BOULLAN, Jean( °before 1786 - )
× 1802 COLLEN, Magdeleine Blanche Rose
BOULLAN, Jean Isaac( °before 1770 - )
× 1786 LHEUREUX, Elisabeth

BOULLEN, Henri "Gustave"( °1870 - †1912 )
× 1898 CANTAIS, "Juliette" Alice

BOURCY, Louise Françoise( °before 1793 - †before 1819 )
× 1806 DEBRAY, Charles Augustin

BOURDIN, Valentin Isidore( °before 1817 - )
× 1833 ENGAMMARE, Zelmire Aglaé

BOURDON, Alfred Elisée( °14 November 1834 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Arthur Abraham( °09 December 1809 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †11 January 1883 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME )
BOURDON, Clara "Blanche"( °25 August 1865 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1888 GRAINDOR, "Jules" Alfred
BOURDON, Edouard Alexandre( °09 June 1819 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Elisabeth( °before August 1809 - †after 14 January 1810 )
BOURDON, Elisabeth( °before 1764 - †after 01 October 1815 76, , Avant 4/01/1825, SEINE MARITIME )
× 1777 BESSELIEVRE, Daniel
BOURDON, Elisa Camille( °30 April 1829 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1852 DALMAIS, Henri Victor
BOURDON, Emile Narcisse( °29 October 1835 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Emile Nestor( °27 May 1811 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †01 September 1888 76, Lillebonne, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1834 QUESNEL, "Marthe" Anastasie
BOURDON, Emilie Hortense( °26 September 1798 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †06 April 1864 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME )
BOURDON, Estelle Flore( °30 December 1814 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †28 August 1883 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1835 FAUQUET, Pierre Louis
BOURDON, Eugène( °30 October 1815 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †15 May 1854 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME )
BOURDON, Eugène "Nestor"( °17 May 1808 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 22 February 1818 )
BOURDON, Eulalie Célina( °18 September 1817 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1840 CARON, Gustave Charles
BOURDON, Flore Elisabeth Aglaé( °01 May 1804 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Flore Mélanie( °02 August 1805 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, François( °before 1791 - †10 July 1851 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1807 HELLOT, Henriette
BOURDON, Frédéric Eugène( °26 December 1821 76, St Sauveur la Campagne, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, "Gustave" Apollinaire( °18 February 1837 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - †23 February 1902 76, Lillebonne, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1864 LEMARCIS, Clarisse Eloïse
BOURDON, Gustave "Elisée"( °14 march 1810 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1834 GAND, "Zélie" Thémis
BOURDON, Henriette Zélie( °1814 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Henry Edmond( °26 May 1807 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Irma Thémis( °26 November 1835 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, "Isaac" Augustin( °before 1782 - )
× 1798 FOINET, Marthe Elisabeth
BOURDON, Jean( °before 1805 - )
× 1821 LETELLIER, Rose
BOURDON, Jean Baptiste "Philippe"( °before 1766 - †before August 1809 )
× 1782 FOINET, Marie Catherine
BOURDON, Jean Daniel( °before 1787 - )
× 1803 LARCHEVESQUE, Marthe "Elisabeth"
BOURDON, Jules Ernest( °16 October 1840 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Jules François( °04 May 1812 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 08 November 1840 )
BOURDON, Jules Gustave( °27 January 1806 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Julie( °before 1776 - )
× 1789 LANNAY, Jean
BOURDON, Louis( °before 1775 - †before 08 July 1804 )
× 1791 LEPRIEUR, Marie Marthe
BOURDON, Louis Auguste( °08 April 1813 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1837 GAND, Jenny Marthe
BOURDON, "Louis" Isaac Abraham( °before 1794 - †after 14 march 1840 )
× 1810 MARTIN, Sophie Henriette
BOURDON, Louis Théophile( °1813 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Marguerite( °before 1804 - †after 07 September 1817 )
× 1817 HELLOT, Pierre
BOURDON, Marguerite Suzanne( °before 1763 - †after 10 October 1802 )
× 1777 BESSELIEVRE, Abraham
BOURDON, Marie( °before 1755 - )
× 1768 FOINET, Daniel
BOURDON, Marie Anne( °before 1784 - )
× 1797 DUFLO, Jean Baptiste
BOURDON, Marie Anne Marthe( °01 July 1779 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †1868 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1798 BELLENGER, Jean Baptiste François
BOURDON, Marie Louise( °before 1791 - )
× 1804 BENNETOT, Ferdinand
BOURDON, Palmyre Irma( °08 September 1817 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOURDON, Paul Gustave( °17 December 1818 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1859 BELLET, Zélie Estelle
BOURDON, Philippe Isaac( °08 July 1807 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 25 December 1815 )
BOURDON, Soena( °before 1795 - )
BOURDON, Sophie Félicité( °before 1800 - )
× 1813 LEBOITEUX, "Jacques" Victor
BOURDON, "Thémise" Henriette( °06 November 1810 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 08 November 1840 )
BOURDON, Thémis Elisa( °28 August 1823 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1855 POUSSIER, Alexandre Toussaint
BOURDON, Thomas( °before 1789 - )
× 1805 GAND, Marie Anne Marthe
BOURDON, Ulysse Léon( °28 January 1808 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †before 28 April 1856 )
× 1837 ROUSSEL, Marie Marthe
BOURDON, Ulysse Timothée( °07 march 1837 76, St Antoine la Forêt, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1865 GUILBERT, Elisa Fanny

BOUREL, Amélie Hortense( °28 January 1817 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUREL, Edouard Ulysse( °08 January 1829 76, St Nicolas de la Taille, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUREL, Elisabeth Esther( °14 September 1811 76, St Antoine la Forêt, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUREL, Euphrosine Aline( °31 march 1820 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1845 CHAMBELLAN, Jean Florentin
BOUREL, Jean Edouard( °28 September 1818 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUREL, Jean "Jacques"( °before 1802 - )
× 1818 CARON, Marie "Suzanne" Elisabeth
BOUREL, Louise Marthe( °before 1838 - )
× 1851 FAROU, Alexandre "Alphonse"
BOUREL, Marie Elisabeth( °before 1792 - )
× 1805 MANNEVILLE, Jacques Isaac
BOUREL, Marthe Héloïse( °09 August 1819 76, Bolbec, Beauchêne, SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUREL, Pierre( °before 1781 - †before 07 September 1813 )
× 1797 CARON, Marie Marthe
BOUREL, Pierre Charles( °before 1778 - †before 1810 )
× 1794 FAUQUET, Marie
BOUREL, "Pierre" David( °before 1794 - †before 03 May 1846 )
× 1810 BUISSON, Marie "Esther"
BOUREL, Pierre David( °27 April 1822 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BOUREL, Pierre "Edouard"( °before 1797 - †after 17 May 1818 )
× 1813 LECOURT, Anne "Sophie"
BOUREL, "Séraphine" Marie Stéphanie( °before 1823 - †after 05 November 1865 )
× 1836 GRAINDOR, Brutus
BOUREL, Stéphanie Olézina( °19 February 1826 76, St Nicolas de la Taille, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1851 DEBRAY, Louis "David"

BOUREL ; BOURREL, Palmire (ou Pauline) Agathe( °1815 76, Gruchet le Valasse, La Bréardie, SEINE MARITIME - †08 December 1866 76, St Antoine la Forêt, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1845 TESTU ; TETU, Adolphe Saturnin

BOURQUIN, Marie Anne( °before 1804 - )
× 1817 DUBOSC, François

BOURREL, Marie "Marthe"( °before 1797 - †after 1830 )
× 1810 BUISSON, Jean "Pierre"

BOURREL ; BOUREL, Hortense Amélie( °before 1833 - )
× 1846 LEBOUVIER, Abraham Achille

BOUTELEUX, Mr( °estimated 1820 - )
× MARTIN, Judith "Aminthe"

BOUVIER, Marie( °before 1799 - )
× 1812 COUILLARD, Jean
BOUVIER, Marie Rose( °before 1783 - )
× 1795 CANTAIS, Jacques Philippe

BRAND, Désirée( °before 1829 - †after 06 April 1856 )

BRAQUEHAIS, Blanche Marie( °17 April 1859 76, Epretot, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BRAQUEHAIS, Ferdinand( °before 1843 - )
× 1859 DUPUIS, Ernestine
BRAQUEHAIS, Marie( °before 1859 - †after 23 April 1859 )

BREARD, Aimée Chérie( °before 1856 - )
× 1869 GAND, Edouard Emile
BREARD, "Albert" Edouard( °26 April 1844 76, St Antoine la Forêt ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1882 DUBOSC, Laure
BREARD, Albertine Augustine( °1878 - †May 1886 76, La Remuée, , SEINE MARITIME )
BREARD, Alexandre Guillaume( °before 1798 - †before 15 march 1845 )
× 1814 DELAUNE, Victoire Rose
BREARD, Alexandre Ucide( °09 June 1814 76, St Nicolas de la Taille, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1845 LUCAS, Célina Emilie
BREARD, Armande Asménie( °08 February 1846 76, Mélamare, , SEINE MARITIME - †before 1882 )
× 1870 BÉRENTER, Gaspard Auguste "Guillaume"
BREARD, Demoiselle( °1850 76, Mélamare, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREARD, Dlle( °26 February 1882 76, St Antoine la Forêt ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREARD, Edouard Albert( °02 April 1883 76, St Antoine la Forêt ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREARD, "Eugène" Léon( °14 march 1884 76, Goderville ER, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 10 August 1914 )
BREARD, Félix( °before 1826 - †before 1885 )
× 1842 CANTAIS, Chérie Eloïse
BREARD, Généreux Félix Emile( °31 march 1848 76, Mélamare, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREARD, Henri Louis Napoléon( °14 September 1851 76, Mélamare, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1878 FORMENTIN, "Eugénie" Aurélie
BREARD, Jacques( °before 1773 - †before 1802 )
× 1789 RICHER, Anne
BREARD, "Laurentine" Aimée( °27 July 1887 76, St Antoine la Forêt ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREARD, Laurentine Albertine( °21 December 1885 76, La Remuée ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREARD, "Louise" Marie( °29 August 1888 76, St Romain ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1919 PERIER, "Henri" Albert
BREARD, Louis Maurice André( °03 march 1891 76, St Romain ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREARD, "Lucile" Victorine( °before 1881 - †after 26 February 1910 )
× 1894 TORQUET, Hippolyte Oscar
BREARD, Marie( °before 1791 - )
× 1804 BONNET, Jean Baptiste
BREARD, Marie Anne( °before 1789 - )
× 1802 BONNET, Jean
BREARD, Marie Eugénie( °estimated 1845 - )
BREARD, Marthe Félicie( °07 march 1842 76, Mélamare, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1882 BÉRENTER, Gaspard Auguste "Guillaume"
BREARD, Palmyre( °before 12 January 1883 - †January 1883 76, Mélamare, , SEINE MARITIME )

BREDEL, Adèle( °before 1836 - )
× 1849 GOUJON, Léon
BREDEL, "Adèle" Albertine( °1819 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 21 May 1848 )
× 1840 HEQUET ; HECQUEY, Léon
BREDEL, Amédée Oscar( °25 June 1846 76, Beuzevillette, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREDEL, Charles "Isaac"( °before 1787 - †after 1825 )
× 1797 MANOURI, Marie Marthe "Elisabeth"
BREDEL, Claire Angéline( °29 December 1849 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREDEL, Clémence "Célestine"( °25 march 1851 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - †07 January 1884 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1883 MORDANT, "Edouard" Edmond
BREDEL, Constance "Célestine"( °04 February 1826 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1853 ALLOT, Olympe Médéric "Delphin"
BREDEL, Daniel "Amédée"( °02 January 1814 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1846 CHEVALIER, Elisabeth
× 1847 CHEVALLIER ; CHEVALIER, Prudence Elisabeth
BREDEL, Ferdinand Alexandre( °11 July 1817 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREDEL, Frédéric Numa( °1813 - )
BREDEL, "Jean" Amable( °1784 - †after 12 November 1853 )
× 1809 PRETER, Marie "Marthe" Elisabeth
BREDEL, Jean Baptiste Nicolas( °before 1762 - †between 1809 and 1810 )
× 1778 CASTAIGNE, Marie
BREDEL, Jean Edmond( °before 1815 - )
× 1831 LOUIS, Marie Madeleine
BREDEL, Jean Zéphirin( °03 June 1811 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREDEL, "Judith" Ursule( °before 1797 76, La Trinité du Mont, , SEINE MARITIME - †12 November 1853 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1810 YON, "Daniel" Abraham
BREDEL, Lucie Elisabeth( °before 1825 - )
× 1838 CANIVET, Jacques Laurent
BREDEL, Marie Anne( °1778 - )
× 1807 DOUDEMENT, Jean Baptiste Augustin
BREDEL, Marie Anne( °before 1804 - )
× 1817 HEROUARD, Jacques
BREDEL, Marie Elisabeth( °before 1796 - †after 21 march 1819 )
× 1809 LAMI, Jean Baptiste
BREDEL, Marie Elisabeth( °before 1781 - †before 1827 )
× 1794 CARPENTIER, Jean Baptiste
BREDEL, Marie Magdeleine( °before 1782 - )
× 1795 LETELLIER, Jean
BREDEL, Marthe( °1788 - )
× 1812 CASTAIGNE, Pierre
BREDEL, Marthe( °before 1800 - )
× 1813 FOINET, David
BREDEL, Marthe Elisabeth( °before 1796 - †before 17 October 1822 76, St Eustache la Forêt, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1809 GODEFROY, Jean Baptiste Pierre
BREDEL, Marthe Stéphanie( °10 march 1809 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BREDEL, Nicolas Julien( °before 1793 - )
× 1809 HERUBEL, Marie Anne Elisabeth
BREDEL, Palmire "Célina"( °11 July 1847 76, Beuzevillette, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1877 AVENEL, Théophile "Albert"
BREDEL, Pierre Romain( °before 1777 - )
× 1793 MAZE, Marie Anne
BREDEL, Stéphanie Emilie( °10 February 1803 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †28 February 1883 )
× 1825 RIOL ; RIEUL, Pierre Ferdinand Frédéric

BRENEY, Gustave( °28 November 1814 - )
× 1839 LESUEUR, Arsène
BRENEY, Pierre( °before 1798 - †23 October 1817 )
× 1814 BULIN, Marie

BRIERE, Hortense Marguerite( °28 April 1865 76, Bolbec ER, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BRIERE, Jean Charles( °15 November 1837 76, Lintot, , SEINE MARITIME - )
× 1865 QUESNEL, Désirée Hortense

BRINNER, Abraham( °before 1788 CH, Canton de Berne, , - )
× 1804 HACHARD, Marie Rose "Elisabeth"
BRINNER, Gustave Achille( °25 January 1813 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BRINNER, Irma Célina( °16 June 1817 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - )
BRINNER, Jacob( °before 1772 - †before 04 January 1804 )
× 1788 KESSER, Barbara
BRINNER, Napoléon( °before 21 April 1816 - †after 21 April 1816 )
BRINNER, Stéphanie Arzélie( °17 August 1806 76, Bolbec, , SEINE MARITIME - †after 10 August 1817 )
× 1830 SADROU, Napoléon Sénateur

BRUMENT ; LEBRUMENT, Pierre( °before 1779 - †before 1808 )
× BESSELIEVRE, Marie Marguerite
× 1795 BESSELIEVRE, Marguerite

BRUNEL, Louis( °before 1799 - †before 1828 76, Lanquetot, , SEINE MARITIME )
× 1815 PARIS, Anne Marthe
BRUNEL, Marthe Elisabeth( °before 1815 - )
× 1828 GALOPIN, Pierre Nicolas Amable

BRUON, Mélanie Emmanuelle( °before 1804 - )
× ROCH, Louis François

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