The protestants of Luneray (XVIIth century)

and surroundings

(perusal of the registers of Luneray's temples
and Bacqueville by Daniel Lardans, seizure made by Roland Gennerat)

There are 7007 individuals and 1790 families representing 477 surnames in this base.
These pages were created on 5-5-2002.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Others

List of surnames

Places and surnames appearing

Surnames and places where they appear


Database Owner Information :
Roland Gennerat - France
Please send your remarks in :

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These pages were created by GénàToile version 0.10
GénàToile, © 2001 Jean-baptiste Fahy
Thank you very much to Leslie Howard, creator of Ged2www, which was used as model for this program.
GénàToile is a free software.